The innovation of the electric vehicles 

Innovation is driving change in the market for electric vehicle charging. Innovation in electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging, supported by a dynamic marketplace and sound public policy, has fueled record-breaking EV adoption over the past year. ... In the marketplace, this growth is being driven by innovation

Similarly, there have been major advances in EV charging over the last few months. ChargePoint recently announced new locations along major highway corridors for fast chargers; new solutions that make it easier to charge in condominiums and apartment buildings; a new “waitlist” service that allows drivers to virtually “line up” for charging; and a new charging platform in development will enable the refueling of an EV in the time it takes to order and pick up a latte at your favorite coffee bar.

This type of approach gives drivers the ability to choose among charging providers based on quality of services, networked capabilities, speed, and a range of other features. It also ensures that the market, rather than a single utility or other private company, is driving choice and innovation in the industry. If we lock-in today’s technologies by giving incumbents monopoly authority over this area, then we significantly limit drivers’ choices, and we could be left with legacy equipment unable to keep up with the times.


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