"Six Rules to Make People Like You"
Rule: 1 Become genuinely interested in other people.
Rule: 2 Smile
sonreir una forma de exprecion que da entender la felicidad de una persona , es el estado de alegria de la persona es como decir que algo lo hace feliz o lo hizo sonreir la sonrisa , la felicidad y la alegria se denomina un estado de animo exelente las personas aun que ya con ploblemas pueden acansar el estado de animimo a alegre pensando positivo . Muchas personas que pueden contagiar esa alegria son personas posistivas son muy sociales .
Rule: 3 remember names
recordar nombre es una forma de sentimiendo que tienes a una persona estimada , ya sea recordando el nombre de una familiar ya lejano o lamentablemente que ya alla fallecido recordar nombre se significa que esa persona aun esta contigo en la forma sentimental cuando dises que esta en nuestras mentes y en nuestros corazones , esas persona son aquellas que logran meterse en nuestros corazones y los recordamos juntos.
Igualmente no solo recordamos a los que queremos si no a las personas agradables las cuales tambie podemos recordar anos como los amigos de la escuela , los de la universidad , los colegas del trabajo etc, son muchos quien podemos recordad por son personas que dices que te la pasarte muy bien con ellas .
Rule: 4 Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
So, if you ever find yourself unsure about what to say when you meet someone new, simply focus on them. In Dale Carnegie's words, “be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves.”
Rule : 5 Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
Last week we took a look at Dale Carnegie’s advice on how to be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves. I shared a half dozen simple questions you can use to get the conversation started. They were non-threatening, generic ice-breaker questions. This week we’ll look at some advice that goes hand in hand with what was shared last week – talking in terms of the other person’s interests.
So you broke the ice and you’ve been paying attention to what others are saying. You might get lucky and find they share some of the same passions you do. Life is looking pretty good when that happens because when you find you have something in common it’s easy to form relationships. That’s because the principle of liking tells us we have a tendency t
Rule: 6 Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
Reflection: When it comes to books about networking, building relationships or dealing with people, the undisputed classic is How To Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie wrote the book in 1936 and it has been read by millions of people since.
One of the great realizations in the book is that although some people are more extroverted or affable, dealing with people is a learned skill that anyone can master it.
The second section of the book is titled, Six Ways To Make People Like You. These are simple ideas that make a huge difference.
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